Anatomy Course Part of a network of veins that can be found in the shoulder. It follows a similar path to its corresponding artery. Drain Drains the scapular region of the back. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?
Anatomy Course Also known as the eleventh cranial nerve, its spinal root enters the cranium via the foramen magnum to join the cranial root, and it then exits via the jugular foramen along with the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Once out of the cranium, the cranial portion of the nerve dissociates and joins the vagus
Anatomy Course Arises from a small plexus on the posterior forearm and rises on the lateral side until it joins the cephalic vein at the elbow. Drain Drains the posterior side of the forearm. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?
Anatomy Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus. Insertion: Lateral aspect of olecranon of ulna and proximal quarter of posterolateral aspect of ulna. Key Relations: One of the six muscles in the deep posterior compartment of the forearm. Functions Assists triceps with extension of the forearm at the elbow. e.g. as in pushing a door closed.. Supply
Anatomy Small (triangular 2×1″, 3.5-5 gm) paired endocrine gland on top of kidneys upper abdomen, under diaphragm, retroperitoneal; secrete and release hormones involved in – regulation of metabolic rate, immune system, water-salt balance, response to stress; 2 types of tissue, cortex and medulla (encapsulated outer and inner layers); cortex is larger part, 3 zones –
Anatomy Origin: Oblique head: capitates and bases of the second and third metacarpals. Transverse head: ulnar aspect of third metacarpal. Insertion: Base of proximal phalanx of the thumb. Key relations: The radial artery passes between the two heads on its course from the dorsal aspect to the palmar aspect of the hand where it forms
So, you’ve just downloaded the Pocket Anatomy app? You’re maybe spending hours spinning around the 3D models of the male and female body and have certainly been admiring the beauty of them. You’re amazed at how complex this machine is! Now, it’s high time to understand how the human body works and how each single part
Anatomy Course A continuation of the musculocutaneous nerve in the arm. This nerve becomes the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve once it has emerged from between the biceps brachii and the brachialis muscle, lateral to the biceps brachii tendon, passing behind the cephalic vein. It then divides into two branches, both of which run distally along
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Sacrum - ala / 3D image and Description
Ala of Sacrum anatomy Ala of sacrum is a large triangular surface either side of sacral base, continuous with iliac fossa (akin to adapted and joined transverse and costal processes elsewhere spine).               Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy for a test drive? 
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Anatomy Origin: Superior border of scapula medial to suprascapular notch. Insertion: Body of hyoid bone. Key Relations: -Is one of the infrahyoid muscles (sometimes referred to as ‘strap muscles’) lying in the muscular triangle of the neck. -Lateral to sternohyoid. Functions Depresses and fixes the hyoid bone. Supply Nerve Supply: Anterior rami of C1 to
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