Anatomy The ligament is part of the proximal tibiofibular joint. It attaches to the anterior surface of the head of the fibula to the anterior surface of the head of the tibia, along the oblique line. Functions To reinforce the proximal tibiofibular joint. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?
Anatomy Cluster/group of nodes, in armpit. Afferent vessels bring lymph from arm, thoracic walls, breast, upper parts of abdominal walls. Efferent vessels pass filtered lymph on via the Subclavian Trunk to the Lymphatic (Thoracic) Duct; R empties into the R Subclavian Vein, L into L Brachiocephalic (aka Innominate) Vein, each through semilunar valves (which prevent
Anatomy Vermiform (worm-like) blind vestigial sac, 1-8″, arising from 2 cm below ileocecal valve in cecum, right lower quadrant, roughly surface equivalent McBurney’s point (2/3 way from umbilicus to anterior superior iliac spine); base constant but body can lie behind cecum, or in pelvis, or points in between, and can be retroperitoneal. Common site of
Anatomy Course Composed of two different roots of the mandibular nerve, which pass along both sides of the middle meningeal artery. It travels with the superficial temporal artery and vein to the neck of the mandible. It then travels anteriorly to cross the zygomatic process of temporal bone giving off branches along its route. Supply


Anatomy Lowest part of intestine, from lower end sigmoid, down and back about 2.5-4 cms to anus, no peritoneal covering, double sphincter (internal along length and external at anus), supported sling-like by levator ani (thin muscle group of pelvic floor which support its organs and act sphincter-like in maintaining continence and opposing increases in pelvic
Anatomy Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis on the lateral aspect of the head. Insertion: Upper part of the auricle. Key Relations: Lies superior to the ear on the lateral surface of the head. Functions Elevates the ear. Supply Nerve Supply: Facial nerve (CN 7) Blood Supply: Superficial temporal artery. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app
Functions The ventilation /perfusion ratio is higher at the apex of the lung, meaning more air reaches the apex than blood to carry it. paCO2 is decreased and paO2 increased in this area (similar findings to pulmonary embolism or emphysema, though not pathological). Moderate exercise increases perfusion in the apical lung, hence increasing V/P ratio.
Anatomy Course One of the branches of the ulnar recurrent artery, which assists in the formation of an anastomotic network around the elbow joint. It arises below the elbow joint and rises between the brachialis and pronator teres muscles until it anastomoses with the ulnar collateral arteries. Supply Supplies brachialis and pronator teres muscles as
Anatomy Part of the distal tibiofibular joint. It attaches from the lateral surface of the anterior distal tibia, and travels obliquely downwards to attach to the lateral malleolus. Functions Holds the distal end of the tibiofibular joint together tightly. It is key for the skeletal framework and articulation of the foot at the ankle. Interested
Anatomy Course Follows its counterpart artery until it drains into the popliteal vein. Drain Drains the anterior compartment of the lower limb. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?