Anatomy Most noticeable feature – odontoid process (derived from separation and fusion of body C1 with that of C2) rising from upper surface. Also large strong spinous process. C2 has complex articulation with atlas: Pivotal junction with odontoid process at 2 joints – front of odontoid with anterior arch C1, back of odontoid with transverse
Anatomy Medial end of clavicle (which is a long flat bone, elongated s-shape, convex at medial end, concave at lateral) articulates with manubrium of sternum. Clinical The only horizontal long bone (though ordinarily, no marrow), the clavicle acts as a strut, holding scapula in place and free to move on thoracic wall, which in turn
Anatomy Highest vertebra of column of 33. Forms spine/skull joint, along with C2 (axis). C1 has no vertebral body, as it is fused with that of C2 to contribute to formation of odontoid process (or dens). C1 has no spinous process; its absence affords greater range of movement of skull on C1. Superior facets (atlanto-occipital)
Anatomy Lateral end of clavicle (which is a long flat bone, elongated s-shape, convex at medial end, concave at lateral) articulates with acromial process of scapula. Connected to coracoid process below by coracoclavicular ligament. Clinical Clavicula (Latin); little key. First bone to begin ossification (5-6 weeks in embryo), one of last to finish (21-25 years).
Anatomy Also called vertbra prominens. Its spinous process is thick, long, almost horizontal, ends in a tubercle to which the bottom of the ligamentum nuchae is attached. In 70% of people, this is the most prominent spinous process (30% either C6 or T1). In 1 in 500, the transverse process has a forward projection as
Anatomy Course Arises from the third division axillary artery at the inferior border of the subscapularis muscle. In association with the axillary nerve it travels through the quadrangular space. Supply Supplies the glenohumeral joint and the neck of the humerus. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?
Anatomy The capsular ligament of the shoulder surrounds the glenohumeral joint. It attaches from the scapula, just outside the glenoid labrum, and medial to the supraglenoid tubercle to allow for the attachment of the biceps brachii. It attaches onto the anatomical neck of the humerus, except medial where it extends down to the surgical neck
Anatomy Group/Cluster of nodes, in front and back of ears and along lower border jaw, and deeper in neck alongside blood vessels. Nodes filter the lymphatic drainage of scalp, face, nasal cavity, pharynx. Clinical Main (6) groups/clusters of nodes; Cervical, Axillary, Thoracic (Mediastinal, Bronchopulmonary), Iliac, Inguinal. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for
Anatomy Largest carpal bone, in centre of wrist in distal (further) row. Articulates up with lunate, down with 2nd, 3rd (mostly) and 4th metacarpals, out with trapezoid and navicular, in with hamate. Attachments; part of adductor pollicis. Vignette Capit (Latin); head. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?
Anatomy Located in the posterior cranial fossa, inferior to the cerebrum and posterior to the pons and medulla and forms the roof of the 4th ventricle. Composed of two cerebellar hemispheres, connected by the midline vermis. The dural tentorium cerebelli separates the cerebellum below from the occipital lobes above, while the dural falx cerebelli intervenes