Anatomy Origin: Maxilla inferior to the infra-orbital foramen. Insertion: Skin at the corner of the mouth. Key Relations: Lies posterior to levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and zygomaticus major and minor. Functions Raises corner of the mouth and forms the nasolabial furrow e.g. during sadness.. Supply Nerve Supply: Buccal branch of the
Anatomy Course Originates laterally from the dorsal venous arch of the foot. It ascends superficially on the posterior aspect of the leg until it pierces the deep fascia and joins the popliteal vein. Drain The lesser saphenous vein drains the superficial leg and foot. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test
Anatomy Course A branch of the common fibular nerve. It runs down the posterolateral aspect of the calf. Supply Provides sensory innervation to the skin on some of the anterior and posterior portions of the lateral calf. Clinical Damage to the nerve will result in a loss of sensation in the skin on the anterior
Anatomy Course A branch of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. There are usually two that branch from the posterior trunk just before it exits the pelvic cavity, near the greater sciatic foramen. They remain medial and course inferiorly along the pelvic wall, giving off branches that pass through the anterior sacral foramina.
Anatomy Attaches from the inferior lateral margins of the patella to the inferior margin of the lateral tibial condyle. It also blends with the patella ligament. Functions Provides static stability to the patella. Interested in taking our award-winning Pocket Anatomy app for a test drive?
Anatomy Course A branch of the femoral artery, and part of the popliteal anastomosis at the knee. It runs around the head of the fibula, passing beneath the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle. The popliteal anastomosis receives blood from the femoral artery and the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery. Supply The
Anatomy Course Arises from the lumbosacral plexus, and is made up of fibres from the dorsal divisions of the spinal nerves L2 and L3. It leaves the abdomen by running along the iliacus muscle and exiting either beneath the inguinal ligament just anterior to the anterior superior iliac spine, or by piercing the inguinal ligament.
Anatomy Tarsal bone, wedge-shaped, articulates forward with 3rd metatarsal, in with intermediate/middle cuneiform, out with cuboid, up/proximally with navicular. Vignette The tarsal and metatarsal bones, with associated ligaments and muscles, form transverse and longitudinal arches (the medial longitudinal arch is the more elevated and elastic than lateral longitudinal, which is relatively rigid/locked), which act as
Anatomy The anterior talofibular ligament attaches from anterior border of the lateral malleolus to the neck of the talus. Functions Part of the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle. It provides static stability to the lateral and anterior aspect of the ankle joint. Clinical Most commonly injured ligament in the ankle. It tends to get
Anatomy Course Branch of the superficial iliac vein. Begins at the head of the femur, travelling medially, passing behind the sartorius and rectus femoris muscles, where it divides into terminal branches. It eventually drains into the femoral vein, just distal from the inguinal ligament. Drain Drains the head and neck of the femur. Interested in