


Hollow, muscular, very distensible, pear-shaped organ under liver; receives bile through common hepatic, cystic ducts; concentrates (strengthens) and reserves; releases into cystic duct, on to common bile duct, ampulla of Vater, duodenum through papilla; c. 3″ long, 4″ diameter full; fundus, body, neck (sometimes with saccular Hartman’s pouch), tapering to duct; inferior covered by peritoneum, superior in gallbladder bed liver surface; layers – mucosa, muscularis, perimuscular fibrous tissue, serosa (peritoneal); supplied from liver bed and by cystic artery (right hepatic – hepatic – common hepatic – celiac trunk – aorta) in hepatoduodenal ligament (double layer of peritoneum of lesser omentum); multiple small cholecystohepatic veins.


Responsive to cholecystokinin secreted in duodenum when fatty food enters SI.

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